Georgia Cross

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Self-Care Tips from Jekyll Island Sea TurtlesšŸ¢ šŸŒŠ

May is Mental Health Awareness Month. It seems perfect timing that the Pandemic that has taken all of our lives hostage is starting to lift. Vaccines are making way for us to gather once again. I have personally struggled from the isolation, fear of safety for myself and my family, as well as the many other emotional traumas and triggers that 2020 brought.

Thatā€™s why as soon as I was totally Vaxā€™d and safe to travel I planned a road trip to a small, magical island in Georgia, called Jekyll Island. Rich in history and nature, Jekyll Island is a retreat to not only me but its annual visitors, the Sea Turtles! Yes, taking a road trip to the beach is self-care! It revived me, lifted my depression, and brought me much-needed joy.

Little did I know that this luscious little island is where hundreds of sea turtles come each Spring to hatch their babies. As I got to know the locals, I learned a lot about these curious creatures and it got me thinking about how we can relate to them in our own mental health journeys.

Fun Facts about Sea Turtles:

  • Sea turtles hatch in batches of hundreds after being buried in the soft sand next to the ocean.

  • As soon as they hatch, they run towards the moonlight into the ocean and start swimming right away.

  • Many sea turtles travel thousands of miles in the ocean, but only 1 in 1,000 typically survive.

  • Only the females return to land to hatch their babies. Males often never touch land again.

  • Sea turtles return to the exact same place where they were born to lay their eggs. WHAT!? This blew my mind! HOW do they know?

Self Care Tips from Jekyll Islandā€™s Sea Turtles:

Let Others Help. Starting from the drive in to Jekyll Island, there are ā€œTurtle Crossingā€ signs along the road. Researchers and staff of Georgia Sea Turtle Center can be seen everywhere working to find injured sea turtles to bring them to the ā€œhospitalā€ or tagging them to monitor their journey. The sea turtles are vulnerable to humans, but there are helpers out there. They must trust us.

Adapt to your Surroundings. Sea Turtles are like the Transformers of the Ocean- well, not really- but they can turn their legs on land into fins in the water. They adapt to their surroundings. The ability to adapt builds mental strength. We all adapted to wearing masks and following CDC protocols. Now, we will adapt to whatā€™s next.

Trust Your Instincts. Do you think the sea turtles know where they are going when they go into the ocean and when they return? They donā€™t have a map or GPS, they follow their instincts! I think we get so hung up on technology and social media sometimes, that we lose our way. Itā€™s important to spend time thinking about your personal values and trusting your instincts in decision-making.

When things get scary, go inward. Everyone knows a turtle hides in its shell when it is scared. It feels safe in its shell. Often, we are in reaction mode when it may be better to spend some time alone. Self-reflection is one of the luxuries I took advantage of during the Pandemic. I learned to self-soothe. Itā€™s definitely a lesson that I cherish.

Patience, slow and steady will get you there. Their legs are short, their journey is long, but somehow these sea turtles make their way to nest where they were born - years later. They simply do it one step at a time. Turtles donā€™t run, so they must be the most patient animals Iā€™ve ever seen. Patience is not one of my virtues, but I was drawn to the ā€œpatienceā€ souvenir as a reminder to not be in such a rush.

Be your authentic self, and others will accept you. Even though we are different species inhabiting the same space, humans help the Jekyll Island Sea Turtles by caring for the injured, protecting their eggs, and being careful to not disrupt their natural process. I found it so interesting that at night, Jekyll Island is completely dark by the ocean. Even the restaurants and hotels all turn off their lights so as not to interfere with the sea turtles who use the moonlight as their guide.

 The entire island shows respect and caters to the sea turtleā€™s natural instincts to lay their eggs in the sandy beaches. Sea turtlesā€™ instincts are amazing and something we can all learn from. It was an unforgettable trip. Legend has it that once you step on the sands of Jekyll Island, you will always return. My instincts tell me thatā€™s true- and Iā€™ll be back to visit again someday.

Additional Resources for your reading pleasure:

-       Metal Health Awareness Month - If your mental health is struggling, please reach out to a professional. You do not have to go through it alone!
-       Love this analogy? My friend, Tabitha A. Scott, wrote a book about this very topic, ā€œTrust Your Animal Instinctsā€