Hi, I'm Georgia Cross, a Nashville Digital Marketing Strategist + Lifestyle Blogger + Yoga Teacher, AKA- “Nashville Yogi Marketer” - as my URL states! Welcome to my blog, where I share simple, sometimes humorous explanations about my experiences in marketing and working and playing in Nashville, TN.  Since becoming a Yoga Teacher in March 2020, I have sprinkled in articles about my self-care journey in hopes of inspiring others. Feel free to contact me to share your thoughts, ideas, or questions. Thank you for visiting! - GA

Blog articles can be found in 3 categories: Nashville, Marketing, and Wellness. I hope to inspire you in some small way so that you may pass on a little nugget of knowledge or inspiration to someone else.

  • NASHVILLE showcases my favorite places, spaces, and Music City Brands.

  • MARKETING is full of tips, insights, and learnings from my career in digital marketing.

  • WELLNESS is my collection of stories, inspirations, and connections that have brought me positive energy. 

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