Georgia Cross

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Why I Started Nashville Yoga Facebook Group


I am a digital marketer (by trade), and aspiring yoga teacher (by passion). I have been a student of yoga in Nashville, TN for the past six months. I am attracted to the blissful feeling I get after a class- also known as a “yoga high”. As a beginner, I’m still learning what yoga styles I like and what teachers I want to learn from. I have tried several Nashville yoga studios, and have searched for every free Nashville yoga and community class I can find. I have found this to be very time-consuming, yet worth it. Which led me to think...Why can't there be a local resource for all of this in one place?!

I desire to take yoga teacher training at some point, so that I may share that “yoga glow” with others. In doing yoga teacher training research on Pinterest, I came across Susanne Reiker’s, a Yoga Digital Marketing Blog that gives tips to teachers developing their practice. Imagine that!- another digital marketer and fellow blogger, turned yoga instructor, living the dream in Bali! (#SWOON). Here, she suggests joining or creating a localized yoga Facebook group.


I have a long way to go, as I am not quite ready to begin teacher training. I’m still learning, researching, and looking to attract others who share my passion for yoga in Nashville. Since I could not find an existing Facebook group for Nashville Yoga, I decided to start one. Starting the Nashville Yoga Facebook Group is one small action I can take today that moves me in the direction I want to go in the future.

Here’s my mission statement: Nashville Yoga Facebook Group is dedicated to sharing all things yoga-related in Nashville, TN, from yoga classes to tips to events. We are a community of yoga enthusiasts, making Music City brighter, one down dog at a time. Namaste everyday!


One of my greatest strengths is that I’m a natural connector. Basic human nature is to want to belong. The success of social networks is in just that- socializing with networks of people that share your beliefs and interests. 

Based on my experience in starting and growing Social Media Club Nashville in 2009, I am a firm believer in- “If you build it, they will come.” I collaborated with others to plan events, promoted our group on social media, in email, and partnered with other groups within Nashville’s marketing and business community to grow Social Media Club Nashville to over 2.5K members in the first five years. It has grown even more since then. Maybe that magic can happen again with Nashville Yoga Facebook Group!


Here’s where YOU come into the story! The lesson here is that my facebook group started small. I had no idea where it would lead. I have no idea where the Nashville Yoga Facebook Group will lead, I just know that it feels right to create it.

If you are a fellow Nashville Yoga lover, I invite you to join the Nashville Yoga Facebook Group and contribute your ideas and inspiration in helping to grow the community.

OR...Start your own Facebook Group! If a particular group in your community around an interest you are passionate about doesn’t exist, start it and see what happens.

Starting a Facebook Group is easy. Look in your Facebook settings for the option to “Create a Group”. From there, all you need is a group name (specific to your location), a mission statement for your “about” section, and a cover image. Create your group, invite your friends, promote on your social networks, post to other relevant groups, put a little Facebook Ad Spend behind it if you choose, feed it with content frequently (videos, articles, questions to the group, events, etc.), and watch it grow.

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