Vision Board 101

My 2019 vision board started swimming in my mind the day after Christmas. I couldn't wait for the new year to begin, giving every one a fresh start!

I attended a Nashville Blogging Collective event the first of December where we all discussed making vision boards and made our own in a group setting. Well, I wasn't satisfied with just one vision board (#AlwaysExtra).

Taking what I learned from the vision board party and adding my own spin to it (based on what inspires me), I came up with my own vision board creation formula that I’m about to share with you right here!

vision board 101: step 1- get clear

Untitled Design.png

In order to have a vision, you have to get clear on your goals, and more importantly - understand WHY you desire certain things.

  • Think, Dream, Brainstorm everywhere you want to go and everything you want to see, do, accomplish, and FEEL in 2019.

  • Get out a pen and paper. Write it all down.

  • Bucket your desires into categories: travel, career, personal growth, etc.

  • Pick one word that sets your intention for the year. What sums it up? My word for 2019 is INSPIRATION.

* I used the workbook in Danielle' LaPorte’s book, “The Desire Map: A Guide to Creating Goals with Soul,” to help me focus on what feelings I want to bring to life on my vision board.

vision board 101: step 2- get crafty



  • Giant poster board- like the ones you used in elementary school science fairs.

  • Sissers, Glue, Mod Podge (craft glue)

  • Magazines- tons of them! Bonus points for magazines that are your interests.

*I live in Nashville, so a lot of mine were free Nashville-themed magazines I collected from around town.


  • Words that speak to your desires

  • Phrases that capture who you want to be

  • Picture of places you want to go, things you want to own, things you want to do

  • Cut out anything that says, “That’s me!”

  • Throw it all into a pile. Sort it when you are done.

*I’m looking for a balance of excitement and serenity in 2019. I used a lot of inspirational words and phrases, such as- savoring life, adventure, grow, open up to change, exploring, traveling, enjoying moments with friends, being happy, lots of beaches, yoga, and relaxing, as well as career success and income growth.

vision board 101: step 3- Set it & seal it



  • Now comes the fun part. Arrange everything on the poster board how you want it.

  • It may be helpful to divide the space into sections for the the buckets you created earlier. For example- Career in one corner, travel in another.

  • Layer words and phrases over the pictures.

  • It is better to figure out the layout first, then go back and glue everything on.

  • Once you have it like you want it, seal the entire piece with a brush coat of Mod Podge.

vision board 101: Now that it’s done, DISPLAy it!


Put your vision board where you will see it every day. Look at it daily and smile, knowing you are on your way to having all your desires met. Take actions daily to get you there.

Above is my vision board in all its glory, there to serve as my guiding light in living my BEST life! So, has my vision to inspire come to light? Have I inspired you to create you own vision board?