Igniting MY Voice-My Craft Content Submission (#CCN18ignite)


Today I took a chance. I chose to listen to my positive inner voice instead of my negative inner voice. I submitted my session proposal to speak at Craft Content Nashville (#CCN18), a local marketing-focused “unconference.”

I think it helped that Craft Content’s 2018 theme is “The Year of Voices”. A snippet from their website:  “what makes our unconference great, and important, and fun, and necessary, is that these and other voices have the chance to come together, to offer support to one another. To listen and respond. What is content, then, if not voice?”

The struggle is real. Upon receiving an email that CCN18 is looking for speakers, here is what my inner voice battle sounded like:

First thought- I want to speak at CCN18! Then came the flood:

The Negative- These easily come to mind.

  • I can’t do this. I’m not a professional speaker.
  • I’m scared to speak in front of a crowd.
  • No one wants to hear what I have to say.
  • They will mock me.
  • I don’t have anything important to say.
  • I’m not good enough.

The Positive- I had to force myself to conjure these up!

  • Maybe I can inspire someone.
  • I have a lot to say that can help others.
  • My experiences deserve to be shared.
  • I am strong, confident, and can do this.
  • It is only 30 minutes of my life, max! What do I have to lose?
  • This is a challenge for myself. If I can do this, I will be proud of it!

The Resolution- Goin' for it! Just because something scares me, doesn’t mean I shouldn’t do it. If I try, I will be better for it. If it doesn’t go as planned, I will learn from it and move on. 

I crafted my content for Craft Content (pun intended!) around the topic, “Ignite Your Passion” using the hashtag, #CCN18ignite. My #CCN18 session is all about encouraging Nashville’s community to identify and ignite their passion. I will share what has inspired me along my journey, and the things that I have found to be helpful in pursuing my passions. It promises to be insightful, engaging, and full of my own personal flair for creativity. 

Speak Up! Share YOUR voice! If you also have interest in sharing your voice with the Nashville community, I encourage you to Submit Your #CCN18 Session Idea!

Save the Date! CCN18 is Saturday, April 21, 8AM-6PM at Nossi College of Art. REGISTER NOW for CCN18!

Stay tuned to see if I get selected to speak at #CCN18, and I’ll share more about my #CCN18ignite session as things progress in the coming weeks! :)