ANNOUNCEMENT: I'm speaking at Craft Content Nashville #CCN18!

Last week I wrote about overcoming my fears and going for it, Igniting MY Voice-My Craft Content Submission (#CCN18ignite). As an update, I have exciting news to share- I'm in! I'm speaking at Craft Content Nashville #CCN18!

My #CCN18 session topic is "Ignite Your Passion," with the hashtag, #CCN18ignite. It is is all about encouraging Nashville’s community to identify and ignite their passion. I will share what has inspired me along my journey, and the things that I have found to be helpful in pursuing my passions. Check out the complete #CCN18ignite session description(You're gonna love it!)

Craft Content Nashville Speakers

I am so excited to be a part of the Craft Content 2018 speaker lineup!

So, what's next for me? Public speaking is at the top of most people's nightmare list (including me!), so I am rallying our support group! I'm already starting to connect with some of the other presenters to share tips and support each other.  I hope you will consider attending and supporting us. 

Save the Date & RSVP to Craft Content Nashville 2018. The event is happening Saturday, April 21 at Nossi College of Art. 

Hope to see you there!