Starting with "I'm Ready Now"

I am ready now to share my voice. I’m ready now to continue sharing my knowledge, ideas, thoughts, and inspiration on my blog. I ready now to shine! I am ready to inspire others!

All these statements are mantras (action statements) that have led me to where I am right here, right now. For anyone who knows me or has followed my blog over the past 10 years (Yes, 10 years!)- you may notice my content has shifted to a more vulnerable, personal perspective. My first love is Marketing…second love is Nashville….and most recent love is yoga (AKA Karma on my blog). These are the three focus areas I choose to share with you here on my blog.

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Two years ago I presented “Ignite your Passion” at Craft Content Nashville. I shared my desire to keep pursuing my marketing career as well as a wish to become a yoga teacher someday. I spoke about listening to your inner voice, letting how you want to feel be your guiding light. It was the most vulnerable I have been in a public, professional space.

Looking back on it now, I still have the same core desires. I want to feel free, creative, connected, peaceful, adventurous and inspired. What’s different now is that I was looking for all of those things in one place- my marketing career. Since I’m in Nashville, let’s cue the country song, “Looking for love in all the wrong places.”

Don’t get me wrong, I still love marketing. I have a passion for making an impact with brands and consumers. I love sharing my knowledge with others. What’s changed is that I discovered a passion for learning and helping others in a far more personal way through yoga.

Through my yoga practice, I experience a feeling of wholeness, self-validation, self-respect, and self-love. This is what was missing in my world. It’s like putting your oxygen mask on first in an airplane. You need to first save yourself before you can help others.

I am excited to announce that I’m in the final month of my six-month Epic Yoga Center Teacher Training Program. I have learned so many things so far in my yoga journey The biggest lessons are: I don’t have to be perfect. It’s okay to be messy. If I wait for the right time, I will always be waiting. I have knowledge to share with the world. I can lead with confidence. I’m ready now.

So, what’s next? Integration. Yoga as my side hustle! As I take the next steps towards teaching yoga, I will share my messy path to find balance between my marketing career and my yoga journey.

I’m asking myself… Do I change the name of my blog? Do I create a separate website? Do I only promote on social media? Do I continue to blog about Marketing? How do I position my personal brand in both marketing and yoga? There are a lot of questions, but I don’t have to have it all figured out now. What’s important is that I’m ready to let it be messy. I’m ready now!

Your thoughts are welcome! Please leave a comment with your suggestions of where you would like to see my blog content go from here. Does my vulnerability resonate with you?