New Beginnings: ❄️ Winter Solstice and #2021VISIONS ✨

Winter Solstice Means New Beginnings

On December 21, the Winter Solstice begins in the Northern Hemisphere. It’s the official start of WINTER, the shortest day and the longest night of the year. The Winter Solstice has spiritual significance because it marks a new season of life, a turning point. Time to hit “reset” and look towards the future! What better day to set 2021 intentions?!

I have a talent for clearly defining a vision, finding the resources and connections to facilitate it, and cultivating persistence and determination to make that vision become a reality. Probably why I’m so good at marketing!  ;)

Please feel free to use the below template to cultivate your own 2021 Visions. Let’s make this happen!

STEP 1: Set High-Level Goals!

  1. Get a “right fit”  Marketing Job

  2. Buy an all-white Jeep Wrangler

  3. Grow my Yoga + Meditation Practice, Teach Others

  4. Blog more frequently- at least 1X a month

Step 2: Plan for BALANCE! Where do I see myself in the following areas in 2021?
*The more specific and measurable, the better!

  • Health + Wellness

    • Eat Immunity boosting foods daily

    • Eat veggies + meals at home daily

    • Make a juice drink or smoothie at least 1X a week

  • Self-Care + Meditation / Yoga / Zen

    • Min. 1 online yoga class or outdoor yoga per week

    • Practice meditation every night to sleep better

    • Practice journaling/ gratitude lists daily

  • Spiritually

    • Practice letting go when challenges arise

    • Trust in the Universe that everything happens as it should and I can not make mistakes, only learn lessons

    • Believe in a higher power and purpose

  • Financial-

    • SAVE for a Jeep

    • SAVE $10K for Emergencies

    • SAVE $20K for a Condo in 2022

    • Invest in my 410K Retirement - $100/month

  • Relationships

    • Focus on healthy, non-toxic friendships

    • Plan weekly fun friend dates

    • Accept others for their differences and flaws

    • Think about what I want in a romantic partner and focus on attracting that

    • Explore more friendships in the yoga and meditation space

  • Career

    • Make an impact working on a marketing team for a global lifestyle brand: collaborating, creating, measuring and defining success along the way

    • Lead events for Together Digital Nashville

    • Help others- maybe join a mentoring program?

    • Continue to grow my professional network and nurture my connections. Attend 1 networking event a month.

  • Travel (when it’s safe)

    • Day Trips: Explore local TN nature spots that are new to me

      • Nashville-Area Parks

      • Chattanooga

      • Middle TN Waterfalls + Hiking Spots

    • Road Trips: Drive to the Mountains and the Beach

      • Mountain Vaca to Asheville, NC

      • Beach Vaca to Florida

  • Growth Areas

    • YOGA- explore restorative yoga. Look for workshops. Read books.

    • Professional development - read 1 career or leadership book a month.

    • Blog and share my vulnerable stories, especially the ones that make me feel uncomfortable.

STEP 3: Create a literal VISION BOARD!

I am a Vision Board Queen, having discovered the magic of vision boarding a few years ago! You can cut out pictures and phrases from your favorite magazines or create a digital vision board on Pinterest! Whatever your format, this step is vital to your accountability and success. Having a visual reminder will keep you motivated as challenges and setbacks arise.


I’ll end with a quote.

“If you can dream it, you can do it.”