Georgia Cross

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Connecting the Dots for "Social Business" Growth

I see the need, I envision the potential, and I'm seeking an opportunity to make a difference. I've done my research through my journey over the past several weeks of networking with marketing consultants, meeting with corporate executives, and interviewing for a variety of marketing/ communications positions. The conclusion I've come to is that technology, brand strategy, and internal corporate communications need to be aligned within an organization.

Companies that take advantage of emerging technology to connect the dots with streamlined communication within their departmental silos, incorporate an integrated (mix of traditional, digital, and social media marketing) brand strategy, and analyze digital and social media metrics will be light years ahead of their industry competitors.

"According to a new study from MIT/Sloan and Deloitte, the 2012 Social Business Global Executive Study and Research Project, social business matters. 52% of the survey believe that social business is important or somewhat important to their business today. Fully 86% of managers believe social business will be important or somewhat important in three years."

"Almost all of the business leaders interviewed describe their social business efforts in terms of “infancy” or “just beginning” or “early days,” says the report in its introduction. Those with sophisticated social networks, including IBM and SAP, stressed that these have taken years to develop."

"The importance of social business to organizations is expected to grow over the next few years. While just 18% of all survey respondents believe social business is important to their organization today, 63% say it will be important in three years. That’s a jump of 250%." --Source:

My advice? Start connecting the dots now! The companies that start now will rise above. 
The following article contains research that backs up this idea and shows specific industry stats as well as trends in opinions of key leaders. Read more from "social-business-important-and-becoming-more-important"

I have a few specific tactical ideas to "connect the dots" that would establish benchmarks and processes for measuring growth. Ask me about my secret sauce when we meet! ;)

What opportunities for social business growth have you seen within your organization?