I have a (Marketing) dream


Monday was Martin Luther King JR Day, which made me think about dreams, my dreams. Not to steal MLK's thunder, but I also have a dream. We all have dreams. My dream is definitely more career-focused than most of my friends. I'm not a singer or an athlete. My talent lies in networking and marketing. I feel that I have a talent for marketing that could be used in a larger capacity. Right now, I'm not exactly sure how.

I know I want to make a difference. I want to help people. I enjoy networking and connecting people with others that could benefit them. I dream about making an impact through marketing on a national, even global scale. I want to be a part of something that is bigger than just me.

Today I randomly opened one of my favorite books, The Secret, to a page where I had highlighted the following quotes:

"Most of us have never allowed ourselves to want what we truly want because we can't see how it's going to manifest."  ~ Jack Canfield

"Anyone that ever accomplished anything did not know how they were going to do it. They only knew they were going to do it." ~ Bob Proctor

Woah! If that's true, I must be on the right track:

  • I have a dream and that's step one.

  • I regularly network with entrepreneurs and other social media marketing and technology professionals. 

  • My career experiences so far are also great contributors to "the cause":  

    • I've had the opportunity to work on advertising and marketing campaigns for global brands - Nissan, The Home Depot, Ebonite, and others.

    • I've made an impact locally by founding and overseeing the growth of Social Media Club Nashville over the past three years.

Now that I think about it, I may already be "Living the Dream." I'm going to enjoy seeing where it takes me next.

I believe dreams are based on hope,
fueled by goals and planning, sparked by action,
and set fire by blazing a trail in daring to take chances.

I made that up, so you can quote me when I'm famous.   ;)