Posts tagged career karma
Unemployment and the art of finding Community

Belonging to a community, engaging with others, and creating relationships are all necessary for our human well-being. One of the hardest shifts in getting laid off is the instant loss of community. That’s where creativity comes in.  You can find community all around you, even when you are unemployed. Perhaps ESPECIALLY when you are in Transition. The magic of connection is all around- You just have to look for it! I’m sharing this with the intention of helping and inspiring others that are temporarily unemployed.

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Unemployment and the Art of Intentional Distraction

The concept of “Intentional distraction” was recently introduced to me and has been a game-changer for my mental health stability in my current career transition period.  I’m sharing this with the intention of helping and inspiring others that are temporarily unemployed. My career coach advised me to focus on taking breaks to do things that: appeal to my senses, give me a sense of completion, are not related to my job search, and put me in a grounded state.

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Derek Young on Being a Trusted Advisor

Derek Young spoke at Nashville American Marketing Association on being a Trusted Advisor. What Derek speaks on, "How to earn the trust of influences," is in line with my career goals: bringing value to an organization as a entrepreneur within; providing consultation to drive innovation and change to build new services and processes that generate new revenue growth.

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