Unemployment and the art of finding Community

Community connectedness and belonging are essential human needs that provide us with a sense of wellbeing. Belonging to a community, being able to engage with others, and creating authentic relationships are all critical parts of being human. The need to be around others and feel a part of something can have a huge impact on us psychologically.

One of the hardest shifts in getting laid off is the instant loss of community. You had a schedule, people you met with regularly, a team, you were working on projects together, you had a shared mission and a defined role…and then suddenly, it’s gone! You are all alone with no meetings, seemingly no community, and nothing to do but fight for your career! 

That’s where creativity comes in. What you seek, you shall find! You are a part of the LinkedIn community (YAY!) There are communities in professional organizations. There are communities in fitness groups. There are neighborhood and special interest communities.

 I am a natural connector and I’m action-oriented. That’s a great combo to have in building communities. When I see people in my industry (Marketing), particularly in Nashville posting that they are open to work, I reach out to network and share ideas, resources, and connections. I am always open to networking and finding ways to help each other.

I have been a part of the Nashville Career Transition Group for years, often serving as a speaker and as a student of the great career-focused topics. This group meets Monday nights at 7 PM CST Virtual or in-person in Brentwood, TN. Subscribe to their emails for weekly program info.

There are so many NEW communities to explore!

 I recently joined a great unemployment community “workspace” on the Slack App where I found instant career resources and support! This Slack community was founded by Giovanna Ventola who I discovered while she was sharing her unemployment journey on TikTok. She started this group that has quickly gained members from all over the world– because guess what, y’all- we are all looking for our tribe of people that get what we are going through. You can email Giovanna to get an invite to join the unemployment Slack community.

 I have noticed several recruiters who are also in career transition are sharing their advice- most notable is Forbes contributor, James Hudson. He has so much great advice and is rallying the unemployed community on LinkedIn and beyond. He’s sharing job search advice and trends at @JamesKnowsTalent and @OpenToWorkPod on TikTok.

 This is the time to explore new communities. Try something new! The possibilities are endless. Try a new fitness class, check out a hiking meetup, maybe a book club is more your style? Find a community that makes your heart sing!

 Regardless of where you seek community, please know that you are not alone. Your feelings (even the negative ones) are valid. I encourage you to fight against the urge to isolate yourself. We are in this together and it is through community that we will thrive and get to the other side- all happily employed and blessed with all the new connections we have made throughout this unemployment journey.