Unemployment and the Art of Goal Setting

One of the most challenging things about being unemployed is that you seemingly have no control of the outcome- what the new job will be or when it will appear. Well, that’s true. You are not a fortune teller (or if you ARE- then, call me!) That’s why it is critical to focus on what you can control- your actions, your intentions, and your optimism. This is a challenging time. Be easy on yourself. Who says your goals have to be giant leaps? I’m sharing this with the intention of helping and inspiring others that are temporarily unemployed.

Here’s my advice for Goal Setting when you are Unemployed:

Each night, I make a list of at least five things to accomplish the next day. No worries if I don’t get to everything, I just shift it to the next day. There’s something about having a written list and checking it off. It’s like having a contract with yourself. You are growing your skills by teaching yourself accountability and self-discipline.

Make a daily to-do list that includes things like household chores, self-care, fun, and exercise. Give yourself realistic networking and job search tasks- such as researching companies and making a list of people you want to network with – maybe three friendly people you already know and one new person to reach out to. Set a goal of learning one new thing a week. Maybe pick a topic in your industry to dig into or take a LinkedIn Learning course. Research skills and certifications you are interested in exploring.

Make the daily goals small! Bonus points if you follow the SMART goal-setting format- (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-bound). Forgive yourself if you feel down some days and just can’t get it all done.

Evaluate and Plan. Take time once a week to evaluate what you have learned. Take note of what pivots you want to make, what interviews you had, and what you want to work on for the next week ahead. I have a standing appointment with myself on Friday afternoons to download this week’s actions and make my list for the upcoming week. I also take stock of my small wins each week and make a list of things I have to look forward to. That helps with motivation and appreciation!

You are not just wasting your time while you are unemployed, you are building character, strengthening your emotional intelligence levels, and learning new skills in dealing with stress, anxiety, and difficult situations. I know it’s not all rosy. There are tears involved. Uncertainty rules your days. I have found that taking control of managing small goals that I have control over gives me my power back a little bit.

Let’s face it, failure is not an option. Finding a job can be overwhelming. Breaking down the steps into small, realistic goals can give you a sense of control over the chaos of the unknown. The fun part is that you can reward yourself for achieving the small goals (#TreatYourSelf)! That creates the much-needed dopamine spike that can propel your mood to attract positive opportunities. Dopamine acts on areas of the brain to give you feelings of pleasure, satisfaction, and motivation. So why not give it a try?! You’ve got this!