Posts tagged wellness
Unemployment and the Art of Goal Setting

One of the most challenging things about being unemployed is that you have no control over the outcome. That’s why it is critical to focus on what you can control- your actions, your intentions, and your optimism. Setting small goals, creating daily to-do lists, and evaluating weekly can impact your ability to reach your long-term goals. I’m sharing my advice for goal setting while unemployed to help and inspire others who are temporarily unemployed.

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Unemployment and the art of finding Community

Belonging to a community, engaging with others, and creating relationships are all necessary for our human well-being. One of the hardest shifts in getting laid off is the instant loss of community. That’s where creativity comes in.  You can find community all around you, even when you are unemployed. Perhaps ESPECIALLY when you are in Transition. The magic of connection is all around- You just have to look for it! I’m sharing this with the intention of helping and inspiring others that are temporarily unemployed.

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Zen and the Art of Work-Cation

Traveling for work doesn’t have to be stressful.  You can lean into a zen mindset and choose your own adventure. I call this a work-cation! The goal of enjoying a Zen Work-Cation is to stay mentally positive and physically balanced along the way.  In this blog post, I share tips to transform a boring work trip into an unforgettable zen work-cation. Ready? Let’s go!

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