Speak no evil, hear no evil: A lesson for Facebook Page Managers


I have not updated by blog or written a new article in a LOOOOOONNNNNGGGG.... time. Over a year to be exact. That makes me a bad blogger. Good thing I'm not putting my career on the line, based on my blogging frequency.

Checking in on my blog page reminded me of a lesson I have been practicing lately as a Facebook page manager: If you do not have anything good/ fascinating/ amazing to say on your social media channel, it is best to not say anything at all. People do not share crap. It is a fact. People share amazing.

Think about it...what is the last video, picture, song, etc. that you shared on a social network? What was it that evoked an emotion in you to make you go out of your way to tell others?

While it is a challenge to always have great content to post on social sites, especially when you are managing a brand page, you MUST resist the evil temptation to spew random bits of irrelevant information. Do not simply update your company's facebook page as if there is a quota to fill. If you do, the only thing you will be full of is crap.

If you MUST, MUST post an update, make sure it fits your brand strategy, is relevant to your audience, and is something that will be worth passing on to others.  Most importantly, take the time to research what your audience likes.

Review your facebook page stats. What topics or posts are getting the most views, likes and comments? Focus on those topics and create content that sparks emotion with your audience. Create a content calendar so that you can plan around certain topics and adjust, adjust adjust to what responses you get.

If you get no response on certain topics, chances are there is a reason why....your audience doesn't want to hear it and is tuning out. If they keep tuning out, you will be left there talking to yourself, which equals fail. Be smart. Do the right thing.