Georgia Cross

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#SMCNASH Social Care Event Recap + Top Tweets!

I'm very proud of the recent Social Media Club Nashville (SMCNash) program I helped coordinate, which partnered HDI Music City and our wonderful event sponsor, Oracle, to bring the Nashville community a program on the hot topic, Social Care (Social Media + Customer Service). We gathered a top-notch panel of professionals to explore social care trends and best practices.

SMCNASH Social Care Panelists included:


  • The RSVP list was full! 200 Nashville business professionals registered for the event. We opened with a networking reception, with Oracle sponsoring an open bar and providing demos of their social products to get the conversation started.

  • We Trended on Twitter! One of the highlights of the event was learning that @smcnash and @oracle were among Nashville's Twitter Trending topics that evening.

  • We reached over 30,000 people! According to our #smcnash TweetReach Report, our conversations reached far beyond the room.

  • We learned a LOT about Social Care! Check out my #smcnash + HDI Music City: Social Care Storify collection of favorite Tweets from the event !