Social Fresh Nashville 2010 (#SoFresh2010)

Who is Jason Keath, what is Social Fresh, and why should you care?
I first heard about Social Fresh a few months ago. As part of Social Media Club Nashville, I wanted to get involved in this social media conference that was announced to be coming to Nashville, TN January 11, 2010. I volunteered to help out with the event and promoted it through Facebook and Twitter. 

It wasn’t until a few weeks ago that I really did a double-take on the magnitude of national connections to the social media and advertising industries Social Fresh’s founder, Jason Keath, has. I was reading ADRANTS, a popular ad industry pop-culture bog, created by Steve Hall- that I’ve been following for at least five years.

There was Jason Keath, Chris Brogan (who I met when he came to Nashville to talk about his social media book, Trust Agents), and Steve Hall in a feature article about a Social Fresh Cruise for the who’s who of social media. That put Jason Keath on my radar, so I called him up to get more info about Social Fresh and what he hopes to bring to Nashville's advertising and marketing community.

Jason Keath is an avid supporter for the advancement of social media and digital marketing. He comes from an advertising agency background (as a Creative Director) and has worked in social media marketing. He is involved in both AAF Charlotte and Ad2. Just you average advertising guy, turned conference organizer.

Social Fresh will be the place to see and be seen on January 11, 2010 for the smart, forward-thinking, ambitious marketing individuals and companies in Nashville.
Social Fresh is an all-day conference designed specifically for marketers who want to learn more about social media through case study presentations and informative panel discussions. Social Fresh gives mid-sized advertising markets like Charlotte, Nashville, Tampa, Portland, and St. Louis access to educational presentations by big name brands, speakers, and companies.

Why put on Social Media Conferences in Charlotte, Nashville, Tampa, Portland, and St. Louis?
Simple. Marketing 101:  fulfill a need, where there is a gap. Jason has traveled to conferences in major cities over the past ten years. He hails from Charlotte, North Carolina, where the marketing landscape is small but healthy. His idea is to bring quality speakers with knowledge, experience, and case studies to secondary markets with strong marketing and advertising communities. Social Fresh conferences seek to inspire marketers to think bigger in the digital and social world.

Social Fresh Charlotte was well received by the marketing community with attendance maxing out at 230, due to space limitations. Jason’s expectations for Social Fresh Nashville are much higher, anticipating up to 300 to 400 attendees at the January 11, 2010 all day conference at the Millennium Maxwell House Hotel. After Nashville, Social Fresh moves on to Tampa February 8. Check out these Social Fresh Charlotte blogs and videos for a taste of the juicy orange (oh, yeah…the Social Fresh logo is an orange).

Now that your mouth is watering, take a bite of what’s in store for Social Fresh Nashville:
Topics:  Email Marketing | Social Media ROI Case Studies |Social Media Technology | B2B Social Media | Music Marketing | Twitter Results | Community Building | Corporate Blogging 

Here’s a sampling of the BIG BRANDS, Speakers, and Companies that will be presenting at Social Fresh Nashville:  
Jason Falls Social Media Explorer  |  Paula Berg  Southwest Airlines  |  Amber Nasland Radian6  |  Nick Ayres The Home Depot |  Lisa Hoffman Duke Energy  | Bert Dumars Newell Rubbermaid  | DJ Waldow Blue Sky Factory  |Matt Browne Lending Tree |  Gavin Baker Ruby Tuesday  | Wayne Sutton  #OurHashtag  | Brian Simpson Roger Smith Hotel |  Tessa Horehled THINK Interactive  |  Ben Bennett Country Music Association

Networking:  Social Fresh encourages networking and collaboration. Social Fresh specifically designed the day’s program so that there is thirty minutes of networking time between each program. There will also be a designated social lounge area open throughout the conference. Representatives from some of Nashville’s biggest companies and organizations like Bridgestone, Emma, Digital Nashville, Social Media Club Nashville, and The Buntin Group have already signed up and will be mingling in the crowd.

How much to Budget:  This all-day conference with access to over thirty well-known speakers, brands, and marketing experts is competitively priced; however, considerably less than similar conferences in larger markets, according to Jason Keath. Tickets for Social Fresh range from $275 (for registration before Dec.18) to $315. Group rates for 5 or more are available. 

Considering that the average guest fee for local Nashville advertising and marketing professional organizations is typically $30 to $50 for a one hour luncheon with one speaker, Social Fresh is a valuable investment with the quality and quantity of learning potential it promises. Breakfast and lunch are included with admission...and as the Social Fresh logo suggests, they will have plenty of orange juice! GET YOUR SOCIAL FRESH NASHVILLE TICKET NOW!!!!  

Social Fresh Resources: