Marketers: Get Your Head Out of the Sand and Into the Digital Age!

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Throughout this Summer, I have been networking and interviewing with several Nashville-based companies only to find that I seem to be “on another level” than the typical corporate marketer in my approach to an integrated marketing strategy that uses technological trends to deliver relevant content to customers.

Forgive me while I step onto my soapbox and shout for a second:

If you are a “Marketing Director” or “Marketing Manager” in today’s technology, consumer-driven marketplace, it’s your freakin’ job to understand how digital and social media marketing fit into the landscape of who you are marketing to and how your marketing messages are being communicated.  It’s just another part of the marketing mix.

I simply do not understand how so many large companies and national brands that HAVE MARKETING DEPARTMENTS FULL OF PEOPLE that are either not doing anything or are just now stepping into social media with their interns in the driver's seat. How is it that the "traditional marketers" are not making it a priority to stay on top of marketing and advertising trends? Are marketers today just lazy? Get your head out of the sand and into the digital age!

Here are a few tips for those marketers that are serious about their career and want to make a difference for their company’s brand:

1. Subscribe via email to industry news and top thought leader’s blogs. Ones I like are:

2. Network, socialize, and learn from other local marketers by being active in your local industry professional organizations. Ones I like are:

3. Read some actual marketing books! Learning doesn’t stop at college, especially in the marketing industry. It changes every day! Ones I like are:

TIPS wanted! Got a tip of your own? Please share it in the comments below. Thanks!